The child's vision problems

The child's vision problems

Vision problems may not be apparent in infants and children, however, certain signs may mean a problem, and in general it is preferable to have a vision test in the first year of life, and then once a year.
General examination of the first child
The child's vision problems
The child's vision problems

In the first year of a child's life, his ability to see should be at its best (or as it is said 6/6), and his eyes should be able to see colors and see depth (three-dimensional vision).

In order for the child to be able to see properly, the communication between the eye and the brain must be intact. Any disturbance in vision may interfere with signals sent to the brain, causing vision problems such as amblyopia or amblyopia.

If these conditions are not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, they may become permanent problems. In early screening, congenital eye diseases such as:

    And other syndromes and tumors.

Symptoms of vision problems in preschool children

Here are the most important signs that may indicate vision problems from early childhood:

1- Strabismus

Strabismus is the deviation of one eye, while the second eye is looking in another direction, and when one eye looks in a different direction, the brain ignores the image it reaches through that eye.

Failure to treat this problem early means that the eye with strabismus may become a lazy eye, that is, with amblyopia, which causes the child to lose double vision.

When one eye is suspected to have amblyopia or amblyopia, these are the treatments offered:

    Fixed bugs with glasses and proper eye cover for lazy eye training.
    Train the brain by performing exercises that compensate for vision impairment, using Neurovision technology.
    When the strabismus is severe, surgery is performed to change the location of the affected eyeball muscles and correct deviation, but the surgery does not treat the blurred eye.

If the defect is not treated in time, the brain will get used to receiving a partial image and will not build an image based on information from both eyes. Alcohol has many effects on child development in several areas, such as:

    Facing difficulties in activities that require precise motor skills such as drawing and writing in the future.
    Defect in the assessment and estimation of distances.

Hyperopia, which is not diagnosed, can lead to amblyopia or amblyopia, so a refraction test should be performed.

2- Approaching objects

If the child tends to approach objects and cannot perform activities requiring simple coordination, there may be an imbalance in his / her eyes, but be aware that children tend to approach the TV screen without a vision problem, for example.

What happens here is that the children's eye lens is able to focus a lot, so they can see things that an adult can't see up close, so getting close to the screen gives them a feeling of being close to the characters on the screen.

3 - the size of the pupil in the eyes

The different size of the pupil between the eyes requires an examination by a neurologist, or ophthalmologist, in which special drops are distilled to check whether the pupil reaction is equal.

If a child has a pupil discrepancy and eyelid prolapse, it may indicate that he has Horner syndrome, a neurological disorder that is in most cases congenital.

Variation between pupils cannot be treated (and often unnecessarily), but eyelid prolapse can be treated by performing muscle surgery and lifting the eyelid for better vision and to avoid amblyopia.

4 - drooping eyelid

 In about a quarter of the eyelid prolapse, prolapse is in both eyes, and when the eyelid covers the field of view, it can lead to amblyopia, so this situation requires surgery for eyelid as early as possible.

5 - rubbing or rubbing the eyes frequently

Eye rubbing may indicate an allergic inflammation called spring inflammation. It is a disease that tends to appear during the spring, as it separates flowering, in which there are many molecules that cause the occurrence of allergic reactions.

In other countries, spring infections may appear during other seasons and not just in the spring. The disease can be treated topically by drops of several types:

    Alternatives to tears.
    And antihistamines.
    In more difficult cases, steroids can also be used.

The disease tends to return with seasonal seizures, but disappears at age 20.
Eyelash or tip

Frequent eyelash in children may indicate dry eyes or inflammation or allergy, and sometimes may indicate a neurological problem.

7. Tilt the head in one direction

One-way tilt may indicate a problem with one of the six eye muscles, and this may lead to a problem with the child's double vision.

8. Inability to distinguish colors

This may indicate a color vision disorder, and to diagnose the problem, color palettes of several types are examined. On the surface of these palettes there is a number or graphic on a specially adapted background.

A child with a color vision problem may see a different shape or cannot see the shape at all. This problem is caused by a genetic disorder due to a deficiency in a particular type (or more) of the light receptors in the retina. No cure for this disease yet.

9 - congenital eyelid deficiency

Lack of normal eyelid growth during fetal development can sometimes cause severe eye dryness, and may require plastic surgery to reconstruct the eyelid.

10 - large horny or turbid

The cornea is the front of the eye. Through the healthy and transparent cornea, we can see the pupil and the color of the iris.

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