Common problems in the first year of a child's life

Common problems in the first year of a child's life

During the first year after birth, the child does not know how to express his needs, so he cries for long periods, and the mother finds it difficult to know what he wants.
Common problems in the first year of a child's life
Common problems in the first year of a child's life

To make the task easier, we will tell you the most common problems a child can face in his first year and how to deal with it.
Difficulty sleeping

In the first year of the child, sleep deprivation is inevitable, as he wakes up at different times and his sleep periods are short, especially during the first three months, and this gradually fades with the beginning of the fourth month.

Your child's awakening is often caused by a feeling of hunger, a feeling of some pain in the body, or a desire to change the preservation.

Also, if the child sleeps for long periods during the day, he may wake up many times during the night, so the mother is advised to seize the opportunity to sleep with the infant to sleep with him, so as not to feel exhausted if you wake up late.

The father also has a role in this matter, and he should help her carry the child in place of her and give her a chance to sleep a little so that she can continue the tasks of the infant, and meet his needs.

2 - the incidence of rash preservation

Inflammation of the diaper area is one of the most common skin problems in children, as the skin of the child in the first year is very sensitive, and to prevent this problem we recommend the following:

    Regular change in nappy for the child: Do not let the child sit for long periods of nappy without changing it, because this increases the chances of developing skin infections.
    Use of an ointment rich in zinc oxide: This compound is insoluble in water, which ensures that the preservation area remains dry for as long as possible.
    Use an anti-inflammatory cream for the diaper area: This cream will treat and prevent your child from rash or inflammation in this area, by forming a buffer between the diaper and skin to prevent friction and ensure that it keeps dry longer.

3- Child colic

Is your child crying for a long time and you can not know the reason? This may be the result of colic.

The chances of colic are increased if the baby uses a bottle, because air enters into his mouth more, causing gases and abdominal pain, as well as containing some of the ingredients that help to cause colic.

To avoid this problem, choose the type of bottle with an anti-colic system, and must be sterilized well because any contamination easily transmitted to the sensitive stomach, and therefore the child feels colic.

We also recommend that you help the baby to spur after breastfeeding, as well as massage his stomach to remove the gases that cause this pain, and help him to defecate, because one of the causes of colic is the presence of constipation.
Continuous vomiting

It is normal for an infant to spit some of the milk after breastfeeding, and this is not a cause for concern, as long as the baby is growing and gaining weight naturally.

The vomiting can continue during the first weeks after birth, until it adapts to the milk it consumes and becomes more receptive.

But if vomiting is frequent, you should make sure that the baby is not allergic to breast milk or formula.

It is best to consult a doctor to make sure that the child does not develop a disease that causes vomiting, such as a cold, ear infection or cough.

5- Teething mother

The baby begins to teething at the age of six months, and may be before or shortly after that age, where the timing of teething varies from child to child, although it is a good stage, but accompanied by some troublesome problems.

Teething causes anger and screams, it also leads to fever, gum pain, and some ear pain. Usually refusing to eat.

To help your child get through this stage safely, you can give him a cold teether to squeeze it with his teeth.This relieves his pain, and we recommend that you pass a piece of cloth on the baby's gums.This makes the baby feel comfortable.

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