Headache in children

Headache in children

Headaches in children (headaches in children) are the cause of about 10% of all child visits to medical clinics. The complaint differs from headaches in children and adults.
Headache in children
Headache in children

Complaints of headaches are common in children and can appear even at the age of two, regardless of the appearance of fever (high body temperature) or any other accompanying disease. Children with persistent headaches are particularly pronounced in primary education, rising to as much as 40% in their teens.

Migraine is the cause of 15% of headaches, while the remaining headaches are caused by other causes.
Causes and risk factors for headaches in children

Differential diagnosis of headaches in children includes:

    Different vision problems (at the beginning of educational stages)
    Teeth and gum problems
    Sleep disorders (nightmares or alarming dreams)
    Tension of the neck muscles (as a result of excessive or deficient exercise)
    Lack of drinking fluids (dehydration)
    Psychosomatic, psychiatric disorders
    Social problems, or they are a sign of an intracranial / intracranial disorder related to a particular disease.

Diagnosis of headache in children

In general, headaches that awaken a child from sleep or lead to serious disruptions (disorders) in his daily life require tests and a comprehensive medical diagnosis to determine the causes of headaches in children. The information you should know about the pain is: the duration of the pain, its location, the timing of its appearance, how it ends and the frequency of its appearance if it appears more than once a week.
Treatment of headaches in children

Treatment of headache in children includes diagnosis of the source of the complaint / pain and then treatment according to the diagnosis:

    Removing (eliminating) the source of pain with drug therapy
    By appropriate family psychotherapy.

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