The best sites to learn and master English

 The best sites to learn and master English

 When asked by officials from the New York Public Library - one of the world's largest and most diverse libraries in terms of departments, resources and content - about the best sources of professional English language learning, officials at the Department of Adult Education recommended that learners and learners want several sources or locations It can greatly help them in that educational journey.
 The best sites to learn and master English
 The best sites to learn and master English

The best sites to learn and master English
The resources they have recommended have been instrumental in helping those who want to learn, especially as the recommended resources range from primary principles, conversation instruction, listening skills, grammar, terminology dictionaries, and even resources that include auxiliary activities next to academic lessons.
The following is a list of Fluentu, 10 of those free resources or sites where English language masters will find great help:
1- Easy World of English
Attractive and easy to use site, with 4 main sections ranging from grammar, readings, pronunciation and illustrated dictionary. You can also find channels and sub-sources within different sections of the site such as conversations and audio.
The site includes a feature in the mother tongue, including Arabic, as well as video tutorials on its channel on YouTube linked directly to the site.
2- Many Things
This very simple site contains a lot of useful materials to learn English from the beginnings, and everything that helps beginners such as games, delivery questions, word games, complement puzzles, dialect dictionaries, and common terms that are specific to specific countries or places.
The Department of Phonetics and Pronunciation on the site is characterized by its attractive elements, which benefited more than 200 thousand users, and visitors according to the statistics of educational sites.
3- Dave's ESL Cafe
One of the most popular educational forums for learners and learners of English as a second language (ESL), there are also many teachers on the platform to discuss ideas, and ways to reach the best way to master English.
The discussion sections are not only unique in this forum, but also virtual and realistic seminars for all learning enthusiasts, and all teachers who want to work.
4- The California Distance Learning Project
One of the most important sources and tools to help you learn English, where you can follow the many topics divided into several important sections such as: work, law, health, money, and others.
The site is one of the tools that will benefit an English learner to get a grip on stories or new and interesting articles that suit his level of knowledge about the language and what he has already gained.
The site is a treasure trove of interesting English content, especially in terms of activities, test sources, and practical lessons.
5- BBC Learning English
The BBC website contains many resources and tools to help you learn English in a professional and accurate way through a variety of educational activities and a variety of means.
It contains 6 lessons in quick minutes, the most important means of explaining the proper pronunciation, drama or story lessons, listening activities, and a daily glossary.
With a long history dating back to the 1940s, BBC Education continues to have a distinctive character in facilitating English learning.
6- A ctivities for ESL Students
This well-regulated site is one of the most important means of assisting in two sub-categories: terminology and grammar.
Beginners will not hate this site, which addresses them directly, and is automatically filled with sample questions to suit any level, or any stage of learning that the learner goes through, from the second level, to advanced levels.
The site provides you with many simple means, such as games and delivery questions, and provides you with many conversations aimed at simplifying, explaining the initial rules, and other channels, and various sources.
7- ABCYa
This site is originally intended for the child, but who said that adults cannot use it? With engaging visual content and initial annotations, this site is highly recommended for beginners and learners in the early stages, even before.
Various games fill the site, and help the student to accept the roots and fundamentals of the language fun, and funny.
Of course it is worth mentioning that there are many adults who said that the site may be embarrassing to them because of its childish form, but after spending a little time on it all agreed that the feeling evaporates completely when integrating with the wonderful and easy content on the site.
8- TV 411
A site that greatly helps learners and those interested in learning English in the intermediate and advanced stages, characterized by the presence of visual clips, and videos in which speakers of English as a first language such as the British and Americans.
The site also focuses on readable content such as: critical reading, summarizing, or understanding conversations in a general context.
The site also offers other sections such as conversations, terminology dictionaries, or streamlined sciences, such as mathematics and biology. The site offers a special section for English-speaking Spanish speakers.
9- GCF Learn Free
A structured site, with interactive guidance and a tight explanation, the site benefits immigrants and those who want to master everyday conversations about formal transactions, banking systems, road networks, and even daily news, and articles that help understand and learn the language culture itself.
The site includes an illustrated visual encyclopedia that competes with the most extensive dictionaries, and provides the middle school student with almost everything he needs to improve his English.
10. Oxford University Press
The site is rich in definition by the Oxford University Press, the most recommended among advanced English learners due to its intertwined characteristics and close to academic content.
The site is the first and most important source of advanced learners and those interested in studying abroad.
The site begins to help you as soon as you discover the different sections such as: lists of test stages, results, and sections of phonetic pronunciation, dictionary of non-common meanings, or old sources, and actions.
The site may also help you find other channels for the advanced stages of English proficiency, such as English literature, and its varied extensive work lists.

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