Natural and rapid treatment of flu and colds

 Natural and rapid treatment of flu and colds

 Natural and rapid treatment of flu and colds Colds and influenza, or what people call colds, have no universal medical treatments that prevent them from treating the flu virus, but the virus that causes them is constantly changing in form and attributes. All chemotherapy treatments for these common ailments are painkillers and symptoms. Over time, natural immunity has overcome the disease, but all chemicals entering the human body have unpleasant side effects.
 Natural and rapid treatment of flu and colds
 Natural and rapid treatment of flu and colds

Treatments of natural substances available to all are useful in these cases, as follows:
Chewing and cooking garlic with vegetables significantly protects against colds. You can eat up to 10 cloves of garlic during your daily meals, but you should not increase these doses of garlic so as not to cause diarrhea because garlic is laxative.
Eat (tamarind) in the form of a drink useful in reducing the cold, and can make and prepare (tamarind) drink and drink two cups of it per day - an average of one cup after breakfast and another after lunch daily. However, care should be taken with this treatment as it also lowers blood pressure. Those suffering from a low blood pressure should not use this treatment.
Black bean
If you fry a pond or black seed in edible oil or cottonseed oil and then let it cool down, then use a drop of the nose, it will alleviate the cold and cold. To treat colds and to ensure its resistance if attacked the body is advised to take a tablespoon (Nigella sativa oil) daily on an empty stomach - provided that you drink with a cup of tea with milk or only a cup of milk or a cup of yogurt once a day, and provided that continue for a long time . , It strengthens the immune system and prevent colds.
Fresh carrots full of contents without peeling significantly protects against colds and flu, reduces their severity, and requires washing carrots with soap and running water until its impurities are gone. The carrots also contain a large amount of beta-carotene antioxidant.
Pomegranate seeds
If fresh pomegranate seed powder is mixed with the same amount of honey (pure honey) and then drip in the nose it resists the cold, and also protects against nasal mucosa tumors.
Linden flowers
The flowers and leaves of linden or otillio are made of a useful emulsion and are beneficial for the chest, facilitate breathing, and removes the common cold. Prepare this emulsion by placing a teaspoon of herb in a glass cup, then pour the boiling water immediately, sweeten the emulsion and drink after filtering. A cold and cold drinker takes 2 to 3 cups a day after a meal.
Celery juice
Drink green celery juice for about two cups a day and prepare the juice after washing thoroughly and then add a small percentage of water and take a cup after breakfast, and another after lunch or dinner immediately. Celery can be added with cooked vegetables or with vegetable soup.
Thyme berry
Wild thyme works to strengthen the immune system in particular and strengthen the body in general, and is a protection against diseases caused by the cold in particular.
Thyme can also be added to the baker's herbs and basil and all placed in a glass cup and then poured boiling water immediately, and stir well, and can be sweetened with a teaspoon of sugar or honey, and drink from this drink two cups a day after eating, as advised the patient.
A house is not without chamomile, especially if it has children. Chamomile flowers powder is very useful in the treatment of colds, although chronic and used by inhalation. The powder is made by crushing the flowers until they become like powder and then inhale with the nose on the palm of the hand several times.
spring Flower
Take one teaspoon of the herb and boil in a glass of water. Then you filter, and drink while it is tepid. It can be sweetened with sugar, taken from this boiled 23 cups a day, immediately after food.
Marjoram and Vaseline
Bring out marjoram and petroleum jelly ointment to treat colds and colds by mixing a teaspoon of ground marjoram powder with two tablespoons and then rub the nose inside and out well, before bedtime at night.
Rose water
The water of bilsan is home made, an ancient Egyptian method known to many and bottled. The right dose is a glass of water plus a teaspoon of the spirit of bilberry flowers daily after eating once or twice daily.
Black elderberry love and flowers are one of the best ways to generate diuresis, as it is useful in case of high temperature. In the absence of (the spirit of elder flowers) can make a cup of flower tea by emulsion by placing a teaspoon of herb flowers in the bottom of a glass cup and then pour the boiling water immediately and cover for 10 minutes, then drink after sweetening a little sugar or honey bees

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