Tips to lose weight in the winter

any people believe that it is difficult to get rid of extra weight during the winter season due to eating foods that cause weight gain, but the nutritionist has made clear that it is possible to invest the winter and the fall season in particular to lose excess weight in a healthy, safe and fast manner through a healthy and appropriate diet. .
Tips to lose weight in the winter
Tips to lose weight in the winter
Winter weight loss:
The cold weather in the winter helps to increase the rate of burning in the body and works to burn the accumulated fat, however many people may suffer from weight gain in the winter and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and buttocks area due to the lack of movement and the high demand for fatty foods, therefore In this case, losing weight is difficult for them, but it can be done through a good diet.
The most important tips for losing weight in the winter:
1- Avoid laziness, lethargy in the winter, and going out every day in the open air for at least half an hour only, and walking, running, or biking because this works to improve mood and increase the rate of burning in the body.
2- Getting adequate sleep time daily for a period ranging from six to eight hours, so that the body gets enough sleep and rest, and because the metabolism rate increases during sleep in the period between eleven in the morning until five in the morning.
3- Eat one or two tablespoons of sugar until the body gets the sugars it needs, and eat more food that contains spices that help increase the rate of burning in the body and give a feeling of satiety.
4- Replacing sweets that contain fats and sugars with fruits, especially winter fruits that contain vitamins, and work to strengthen the body’s immunity, such as oranges, tangerines, apples, guavas, and pomegranates. Care must be taken to eat foods that contain vitamin D such as cheese, eggs, fish, especially salmon, mackerel, and herring.
5- Dietitians advise those who want to lose weight in the winter to drink a drink of hot cinnamon, which helps to supply the body with warmth and burn the accumulated fat.
6- It is recommended to eat fresh pomegranate fruit between meals in the winter, especially after eating half an hour, as it is very useful in burning fats.
7 - It is advised to relax in hot water, as it helps to expand the pores of the skin and get rid of excess fat through it.
8- It is advised to drink hot, skim soup instead of fatty meals and ready meals because it helps to lose weight and gain healthy health.
9 - Drinking large quantities of water not less than fifteen cups a day, they are divided during the day drinking one cup in the morning before eating, and cupan before every meal and cupan at night the rest of the amount is divided throughout the day.
10- You should refrain from eating baked goods that contain white flour and replace them with ingredients that contain brown flour.
11- Eat vegetables at least three times a week, taking care that these vegetables are boiled, roasted or light-cream soup.
12- Reducing the amount of carbohydrates and replacing them with proteins and water.
13- Eat light side meals such as cucumber or lettuce when feeling hungry until it helps to satiate and lose appetite in the winter.
14- Stop eating food at least two hours before going to sleep so that the digestive system can digest food and not lock fat and waste inside the body.
15- Stop eating fast food, french fries and burgers because they contain hydrogenated oils the body cannot burn, and you should also stop drinking soft drinks because they lead to indigestion and contain a very large percentage of sugars.
16- Record the calories eaten in a note, then present it to the specialist doctor and consult him in foods appropriate to the body that help burn excess fat.

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