Sperm Health

Sperm Health
romoting sperm health is one of the most important things in men. Can you do this by eating nuts?
The findings of a new study presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology revealed that eating nuts on a regular basis would help boost sperm health.
The researchers report that men who eat nearly two handfuls of nuts (almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts) daily for two weeks, improve their sperm quality and count.
 Sperm Health
Sperm Health
The study came after men in the Western world suffered a decline in sperm quality due to pollution, smoking, food and unhealthy lifestyle, stressing that nutrition plays an important role in this topic.
To reach the results, the researchers targeted 119 men in good health, aged between 18 and 35 years, and were divided into two groups as follows:
  • Group 1: 60 grams of nuts were added to their daily diet.
  • Group B: No order was modified in their diet.
The researchers found that men in group I, those who ate nuts daily:
  1. Their sperm count increased by 14%
  2. The activity and sperm activity increased by about 4%
  3. Sperm movement improved by 6%
  4. The shape and size of sperm improved by 1%.
The addition of omega-3, antioxidants and vitamin B to the diet of men has a good effect on sperm health, the researchers said.
The researchers stressed the need to do more research and scientific experiments on the impact of nuts on sperm to confirm this relationship.

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